There's a saying that "it's just as easy to be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb", meaning, apparently, that since the punishment is the same, if you're going to steal livestock you might as well steal big. Which doesn't exactly relate to me, since I don't plan on stealing any livestock and I don't really even like to eat lamb or mutton. But, I figured that since I have a writing blog, my Newcastle Boxers blog, and I write for the Boxers 101 blog, I might as well have a personal blog, too. Go big, right? (I actually wanted "In for a Penny" - as in, "in for a pound", but it was taken in several different variations. Besides, I graduated from Moo U - I should go with an agricultural theme.)
So, here I am, trying yet again to get into the habit of blogging. We'll see how it goes this time - my other blogs are already woefully out of date, but maybe if I can start posting on one blog per day I'll get into the habit. It will certainly be easier for me to post daily across several different blogs than to post on the same blog every day. Maybe.