

I hate writing "About Me" pages. Partly because I've done so many bios and intros for forums and e-mail lists and writing sites that I think everyone who would read something from me knows it all already, and partly because I'm not a big self-promoter and have always been turned off by the "look at me" people who push themselves in every situation, regardless of how appropriate (or not) it is. Still, I know "About Me" pages are common and maybe even courteous on blogs, and some day someone might actually read this one, so I'm gritting my teeth and just getting it over with.

So - I'm Jennifer, or Jen, or Jenni if you knew me in high school. I have an office job about which I'm ambivalent, but for now it pays better than not working and I have a lot of flexibility. I have Boxers that I show and sometimes breed, so being able to take time off here and there without a lot of rigmarole is a big plus. I've started to do some freelance content writing, since I'm only working in the office four days a week. I'm having a lot of fun with that - I'm still trying out the different sites and learning the ropes to see what works, what doesn't, and where I should concentrate my efforts. I have a blog about that, too, which is updated about as frequently as this one is!

Aside from work, writing, the dogs, and my husband Jeremy, I'm really pretty boring. The dogs take up most of my time - not just the dogs themselves, but my "role" in the larger Boxer community. (Here's the "look at me" part.) I'm currently President of the Michigan Boxer Club - which is not all that time-consuming itself; I've just ended a six-year stint as Secretary, Show Secretary, and newsletter editor which was incredibly time-consuming, so I'm kind of enjoying the lack of things to do. I'm the Legislative and Public Education Chair for the American Boxer Club, and a member of the Health and Research Committee. Again, not a lot of time spent there; Legislation could take hours if I had them and there was any interest from even 10% of the membership. (I'm a little burned out on it, also - it's thoroughly depressing.) I administrate a Boxer forum and moderate two others. I'm also on a gazillion mailing lists for various dog topics, but I haven't been really active on them for quite a while. Time management is an ongoing struggle for me.

I am also addicted to Harry Potter, love the Twilight books (and am warming up to the movies, as they get better each time), like semi-geeky scifi stuff like Star Wars and Star Trek (TNG is the best, though I haven't really been able to watch it since they killed Data) but not super-scifi stuff like...well, I don't even know what since I'm not into that kind of stuff. I read a lot, and re-read a lot, mostly fiction these days or non-fiction dog books. One of these days I'll have to decide what I want to be when I grow up, but not until I decide that I want to grow up!

I started this blog for no real reason, except that I have a lot of thoughts floating around in my head and I figure if I post them here I won't have to bore my husband or my mom with them. I know the name might not make sense; I've written a post explaining it, though it still might not make sense!

So, that's me in a nutshell. I'm a lot less interesting than it seems from this page (and I know this page isn't all that interesting to begin with!). I hope as I get into the swing of this blogging thing my posts will become entertaining, enlightening, and at least somewhat enjoyable. I don't have a "theme" for this blog, just random stuff, but that seems to fit me better anyway. I'm noting if not random! :)